The Secretary provides a central point of administration, information and communication for the club. Initially deals with all correspondence and communications, and is the key person to the smooth running of a club. Acts as a link between members, potential members and external organisations.
The role of the Child Protection Officer is as follows; receiving and acting upon any reported concerns and ensuring all members are familiar with, and adhere to the Child Protection Policy. Also ensures that the Policy is implemented and promoted and represents the key link to statutory agencies (Social Care or Police) during and following formal investigations.
To contact our CPO in confidence please email
The duties of this Officer involve the organisation of photography & video at all our events where required. Also organises and polices the permission of other photography at our events using Photography Disclaimers and posters. Also supplies our Media and Web Officers with updates for the press and website.
Luton Karate Academy
Inspire: Luton Sports Village
Hitchin Road